Detroit Debris Field Update and Nebula Tech 21:54
Thought I'd time stamp these posts as are on the same day from now on. With regard to the Detroit Debris Field I've now included over 50 bits of debris in it. Here's a little tip if you are working on a long project. It can sometimes be hard to keep yourself motivated so don't keep working on the same thing consistently if you feel that way. In a project like this there's always plenty of things to do so you can just move your attention to something else a lot of the time. Anyway I'll stop yabbering. Here are the Badlands from Freelancer. This is inside the nebula. The odd thing about Freelancer is that it was slightly inaccurate. Nebulas are very visible from the outside but very transparent when you are in them according to astronomers so I'm reflecting that in the Unity remake. Here's the Badlands from inside them. No asteroids as yet.